As we offer prayer and support for the Higgs family we are planning a Memorial Mass for Kenneth Higgs Sr. on Saturday, August 8 at 11:30 AM at Blessed Sacrament Chapel with a funeral meal immediately after the Mass. The Church will provide fried and baked chicken, pulled pork, bread, buns and drinks. Desserts and sides are needed to complete the meal. Please bring green beans, baked beans, potato salad or a dessert on Saturday morning for the meal.
Vintage pictures
Congratulations to John McDonald for being reborn in the waters of baptism and receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. May the Risen Lord continue to walk with you and guide you always. Also to Samara Williams for receiving Jesus the first time. Grow as the Child of God always. Thanks to all those who helped with our Easter liturgical celebrations and decorations.
I heard a story about the Amish Christians. Most of you already may have heard it. I thought that was most touching. On October 6, 2006, an armed man entered an Amish schoolhouse in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania. He chased out the little boys and lined up the 10 little girls in front of the blackboard. He shot all of them and then killed himself. Five of the girls died. After the medics and police left, the families of the fallen came and carried their slain children home. They removed their bloody clothes and washed the bodies. They sat for a time and mourned their beloved children. After a while they walked to the home of the man who killed their children. They told his widow they forgave her husband for what he had done, and they consoled her for the loss of her spouse. They buried their anger before they buried their children. This incident of the Amish Christians teach us that forgiveness is central. God’s forgiveness of themselves depends on their extending forgiveness to other people. That’s what the mercy of God is all about. That mercy is why we celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday.
The readings for this Sunday are about God’s mercy, the necessity for trusting faith and our need for the forgiveness of sins. Today’s Gospel vividly reminds us of how Jesus instituted the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a sacrament of Divine Mercy. The Risen Lord gave his apostles the power to forgive sins with the words, “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained” (Jn 20: 19-23). Presenting the doubting Thomas’ famous profession of faith, “My Lord and my God,” the Gospel illustrates how Jesus showed his mercy to the doubting apostle and emphasizes the importance of faith.
The spiritual Fathers prescribe the following traditional means to grow in the living and dynamic faith of St. Thomas the Apostle: a) First, we must come to know Jesus personally and intimately by our daily and meditative reading of the Bible. b) Next, we must strengthen our Faith through our personal and community prayer. c) Third, we must share in the Divine Life of Jesus by frequenting the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist. Bl. Mother Teresa presents it this way: “If we pray, we will believe; if we believe, we will love; if we love, we will serve. Only then we put our love of God into action.”
Fr. Suneesh Mathew, HGM, Associate Pastor
Black History Month
Black History Month Information
Black Catholics celebrate Mass during Black History Month 2015
Lenten Fish Fry
Blessed Sacrament Chapel will have their Lenten Fish Fry on Friday, February 27, at 5:00 PM. All are invited for dining in or take out. Serving fiddlers or fillets, fries, coleslaw, hush puppies or cornbread, desert and iced tea or lemonade. Blessed Sacrament Chapel is located at
2015 Lenten Message from the Vatican, 4 October 2014
Please find attached an invitation to participate in the 20th Annual Black History Month Gospel Explosion. Starts Sunday, February 15, 2015 @ 2:30 PM CST at
Please find attached an invitation to participate in the Owensboro-Daviess County Annual March & Celebration on Monday, January 19. Please share with members of your faith community.
Pastors, please encourage parishioners who might benefit from this to attend.The Archdiocese of Louisville will host its 3rd Archdiocesan Black Catholic Congress at Flaget Retreat Center , Louisville , KY Friday and Saturday, December 12 & 13, 2014. Registration is $50.00 for adults and $30.00 for youth. Contact the Diocese of Owensboro, Office of Black Catholic Ministry for further information and to register by Dec. 1, 2014. POC is Veronica Wilhite, 270-926-4741. Thank you.
100 Days of Prayer – Don’t forget to share that you are participating in the 100 Days of Prayer and invite others to join.
2014 Thanksgiving Dinner – Got Plans for Thanksgiving This Year? Come eat with us at Blessed Sacrament Chapel
BSC SOPHIA AWARD RECEPIENT 2014 MR. LARRY ALLEN. MEMBER SINCE 2003 LARRY HAS BEEN AT THE FOREFRONT OF CHRISTIAN CHARITY. ALWAYS WITH A HELPING HAND, A KIND WORD AND HIS SMILE OF WELCOME AND GOOD WILL. We know that his mother, Mary Edith Allen was smiling on him from heaven this past Sunday and proud of his Christian works. CONGRATULATIONS LARRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We Love you and thank God for you.
Funeral Arrangements – Dorothy Dianne Floyd Riley
Dorothy Dianne Floyd Riley, died on Tues., June 17 at her home. Her prayer service will be held on Sunday at 7:30 PM at McFarland Funeral home. Her funeral will be held at Blessed Sacrament on Monday, June 23 at 11:00 AM. For those who don’t recognize her name, we knew her as Dianne Floyd, daughter of Lula Floyd.
There will be a funeral meal after the burial on Monday. Please be prepared to bring a dish.
CHOIR MEMBERS please come at 10:00 am for a practice with Michael Conley on Monday before the funeral.
Any help with serving would also be appreciated.
Ecumenical Prayer Service (ABDUCTED NIGERIAN GIRLS)
The Diocese of Owensboro Office of Black Catholic Ministry invites the people of the Owensboro Diocese to join in an Ecumenical Prayer Service for the ABDUCTED NIGERIAN GIRLS on Sunday, June 1, 2014 at 2:00 PM at Blessed Sacrament Chapel, 602 Sycamore St, Owensboro, KY. Please continue to pray for their release and for their safety. If they are released before this date this will be a prayer service of celebration and thanksgiving. You are encouraged to bring flowers for this occasion and we will place them before the banner which bears all of their names. Contact Veronica Wilhite, 270 926-4741 or [email protected] for additional information.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Black History Month Innformational Bulletin (see bulletin)
January 19, 2014
SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 2014, @ 3:00 PM CST
SPEAKER: Rev. Andre Bradley, Pastor of Mt. Calvary Baptist Church
MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2014 @ 8:30 AM CST
Will host the annual Martin Luther King Day March. This year marchers will
begin gathering at 8:30 AM in the OWENSBORO HIGH SCHOOL GYM.
The march starts at 9:00 AM, heading north on Frederica Street to Brescia
Daviess County Bicentennial Committee Notice
Daviess County, Kentucky will be 200 years old in 2015. The Daviess County Bi-Centennial Committee is currently gathering as much information available to record this historical event. In order to be successfully the committee is asking for the participation of all races, religions, and nationalities to contribute by sharing their stories with us. We are especially interested in hearing from members of the congregation that are over 75 years of age. We’re asking African-Americans within this church to participate by contacting Whaylon Coleman at the number below. Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
Betty Houston Funeral Arrangements
Saturday, January 4th, 2014 Ms. Betty Houston passed away. She was a long time member of SSC/BSC. She has been sick the last 12 years and has certainly been confined to her home the last several years.
The funeral will be on Wednesday at 12 noon at St. Stephen. A prayer vigil service will be at 6 o’clock on Tuesday, January 7th at Haley McGinnis Funeral Home
Pastoral Challenges of Family Synod of Bishop 2014 (Memorandum)
Vatican Synod on the Family
Catholics in the Diocese of Owensboro are invited to participate in a survey on challenges facing families today. Your responses will be used to prepare for the Extraordinary Synod called by Pope Francis to discuss this important issue. The Synod will convene in Rome in October 2014. These questions have been distributed from the Vatican to dioceses throughout the world. Please complete this survey after reading the document by December 10, 2013. You can complete the survey using the full text of the Vatican’s questionnaire or you may complete a paraphrased version.
The following link will take you directly to both surveys:
Restless Heart: The Confessions of Augustine will be shown only on:
Tuesday, November 5th – 6:30 pm Monday, November 11th – 6:30 pm
Thursday, November 7th – 6:30 pm Thursday, November 14th – 6:30 pm
J.B.’s Second Letter to Blessed Sacrament Chapel
J.B.’s second letter to the parishioners of Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
J.B.’s First Letter to Blessed Sacrament Chapel
J.B.’s first letter to the parishioners of Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
NOTES FROM THE PARISH DESK: The Festival at St. Stephen on the 21st of September was very good. Thanks to all who supported with your presence and by your prayers. The airshow on the same day was awesome. I hope some of you had a chance to watch it.
Jim Mueller has been moved to Kindred (formerly HillCrest) Nursing home. Please keep him in your prayers. Amy Weathen is fighting with her cancer. She is staying with her mom at Industrial Rd, Owensboro. It would be great if we can spare a little of our time to visit the sick especially those from Blessed Sacrament. I appreciate Charlene for visiting and taking Communion to the sick at the hospital every week.
Music is very important for every liturgical celebration. Our choir is doing a wonderful job. They meet every Wednesday at 5 PM for the music practice. Please join us on Wednesdays for the musical practice and give praise to God!
The main theme of this Sunday’s Scripture readings is the warning that selfish and extravagant use of God’s blessings, without sharing them with the poor and the needy is a serious sin deserving eternal punishment. We are all rich enough to share our blessings with others. God has blessed each one of us with wealth or health or special talents or social power or political influence or a combination of many blessings. The parable invites us to share what we have been given with others in various ways instead of using everything exclusively for selfish gains.
Arise News – Together In Christ
The training for Small Group Leaders in preparation for SEASON 3 of ARISE begin on September 26. Responses regarding HOW MANY ARE ATTENDING AND WHERE THEY WILL ATTEND are due by SEPTEMBER 18.
Audubon Area Weatherization Program
What Is the Weatherization Program?
This program is designed to help low-income families live in energy efficient, warm homes. Trained
technicians conduct energy audits to identify air infiltration and then take steps to those leaks. These
steps include weather stripping, insulating, caulking and installing window kits. In addition, the heating
unit is inspected and is repaired or replaced if needed.Who is eligible?
The program Is open to families, whose income falls at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty
level, $47,100 for a family of four. Families must also reside in one of the seven counties in the Green
River area, which are Daviess, Hancock, Henderson, Mclean, Ohio, Union, and Webster counties.How to apply?
Applicants need to gather the following information amt ttien call their local Audubon Area Community Services office to schedule an appointment.• Income for all household members for the past year
• Social Security Cards for all household members
• Title to the mobile home or deed to the house
• Past 12 months of heating and electric bill history
The Diocese of Owensboro is located in the western portion of the state of Kentucky. Since its beginning in 1937, the Diocese has grown from 33 parishes and 19 missions of western Kentucky to 79 parishes and two Newman Centers.
The National Black Catholic Congress
We, The National Black Catholic Congress, comprised of member organizations, represent African American Roman Catholics, working in collaboration with National Roman Catholic organizations. We commit ourselves to establishing an agenda for the evangelization of African Americans; and to improve the spiritual, mental, and physical conditions of African Americans, thereby committing ourselves to the freedom and growth of African Americans as full participants in church and society.
Aware of the challenges, we are committed to evangelize ourselves, our church and unchurched African Americans, thereby enriching the Church. We hold ourselves accountable to our baptismal commitment to witness and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ.”
On August 12 Attorney General Eric Holder announced that federal prosecutors will circumvent federal sentencing guidelines for nonviolent, low-level drug offenders with no ties to larger drug-trafficking. The move will spare some individuals from the harshest federal drug-sentencing guidelines that could otherwise keep them looped into the criminal justice system for years and decades, as well as the concomitant cycle of poverty that affects so many convicted of crimes. And now, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, the anti-poverty initiative of the US Catholic bishops, is looking at the problem with the hopes of finding possible solutions.
2013 National Black Catholic Men’s Conference Brochure
We are committed Black men, principally Catholic, who recognize our need for God’s help! We gather in Christ’s presence in an atmosphere of trust, equality and anonymity to share personal feelings and experiences. We unconditionally accept one another and prayerfully support one another. We feel encouraged by the Holy Spirit to share with one another….. Men to Men!
United States Conferences of Catholic Bishops
As we mark the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom that occurred on August 28, 1963, we call attention to this significant event in the history of the struggle for Civil Rights for African Americans and other minority racial groups in the United States. Those who participated in the March on Washington came from different races and faith denominations, but were all united for a just cause. Seeking to touch and to move the heart of America, they came to the nation’s capital and marched to advance the cause for Civil Rights, calling for an end to segregation. They called attention to the economic disparity that existed for African Americans and other minorities in this country. St. Paul in Sacred Scripture declares, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!” (Romans 10:15), and the participants marched on foot and proclaimed the good news of our God who acts in favor of the marginalized in our country; they called upon the nation to enact legislation that would benefit those suffering and forgotten. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his famous ‘I Have A Dream’ speech, which redirected the moral compass of the nation toward concern for the cause of justice. Even today his words continue to inspire us. Joining Dr. King at the March on Washington were other religious, civic and community leaders, among them Cardinal Patrick O’Boyle, Archbishop of Washington, who delivered the invocation, and many Roman Catholic priests, religious sisters and brothers and lay faithful.
As Cecil Gaines serves eight presidents during his tenure as a butler at the White House, the civil rights movement, Vietnam, and other major events affect this man’s life, family, and American society.